Building a better workplace with Daniel Robin & Associates:
Step-by-step process for obtaining these services:
(1) Skills Training & Leadership/Organizational Development
(2) Consulting, Mediation, Project Management or Team-Building Services
(3) Individual & Group Coaching
Step 1: Determine area(s) of interest … see course catalog or call us at +1.831-761-0700 if you’re not sure which program is closest to meeting your interests.
Step 2: Determine course length. You may wish to Contact us (or see below)* with the course name(s) you are considering. The recommended length of each program is provided at the bottom of the course description. We provide a brief consultation to clarify your objectives and how we would meet those objectives.
NOTE: Our listed course descriptions reflect our “field-tested” programs … Customization is usually not a problem. Sample program materials can be made available under non-disclosure.
Step 3: Estimate Fees. Our rates for full-length programs are generally $300-$350 per participant per day. Workshops are typically at least 12 and up to 24 or more participants. As few as 6 or as many as 40 can be accommodated by special arrangement.
Step 4: Contracting. With the above information, we would draft a one-page memo of understanding to summarize the program content, logistics, and fees. We would then submit this memo for your review and approval.
Step 5: Implementation. With an approved memo of understanding, you may then wish to arrange for on-site interviews, see samples of our program materials (available under non-disclosure), or have us conduct focus interviews, culture or needs assessments, pre-study materials, participant questionnaires, style instruments or other tools. Usually, all that’s needed is a date and place.
We always provide post-training evaluations and share that feedback with the contract holder. If this is our first time working together, we may want to add a pre- and post-training assessment, 6-week follow-up survey, or other measures of effectiveness. Contact us for details, samples, or to discuss your unique situation.
Step 1: Send email or call with a description of your current situation and what needs to change. If you have a sense of your main goal – measurable or not – that would help us determine next steps. Please allow 48 hours for a reply. For a faster response, call 800-962-4733 toll-free (+1.831-761-0700 if outside USA)
Step 2: Qualification. If we can serve your interests, there are two ways we can deliver these services, “A la Carte” or via a services “Retainer”:
1. A la Carte
Request an initial meeting to set direction and establish a preliminary action plan. After this interview, Mr. Robin’s customary daily consulting rates for corporations are $1,500 full days, $800 half days, $225 per hour, plus any required travel and per diem or direct expenses. Other associates’ rates are comparable. Travel costs are usually included in the Monterey Bay and greater San Francisco Bay areas.
2. Retainer
A retainer acts like a purchase order, where the client reserves a block of consulting days spread out over a period of weeks or months. Typically there is a 15-20% discount below the standard rate, depending on the length and frequency of the contract.
3. Fixed Project
Within a tightly defined scope of work, we can estimate and bid on a specific program or project and use industry-standard progress billing, or combine with performance-based incentives..
We would ordinarily draft a Statement of Work or Memorandum of Understanding summarizing and describing the current situation, goals, work to be performed, compensation and terms. If necessary, we can also provide a “Contractor Services Agreement” (available for review), or a more comprehensive services Engagement Letter, or one you would provide, as you prefer.
Step 3: Contracting and Next Steps: Once approved, arrange scheduling and logistics.
Step 0: Is “coaching” the right intervention? See When to use Our Coaching Services
Step 1: Contracting. Contact us [simple online form] by phone or Email and specify who the coaching is for (yourself or an employee), and if the later, the status of the agreement with the person who will be coached. Why? If it is for an employee, do they know they need coaching? Have they consented? Or is this an ultimatum situation — either improve or we’ll continue to have a problem.
When there a commitment by the person who will be coached to use this approach (versus attending a class or doing nothing), they get a lot better results and we bypass or reframe the punitive or punishment-oriented sense of being pick on into the awareness that they are important enough to the company that time and energy is being invested in their success.
And when coaching is for one of your employees, please note “What you want for them?” In addition, we can discuss rates, length of assignment (typically a month-to-month agreement), and tools or instruments that you would like us to use.
Step 2: Intake Interview. Our coaching contract begins with an extensive intake to better understand your unique needs, goals and intentions.
Step 3: Coaching Sessions. Individual sessions are typically 30-90 minutes. Initially sessions are either at your business site or in our offices, but some of our clients thrive on tele-coaching.
Step 4: Follow-up Tele-Coaching. Convenient 30-60 minute telephone sessions after initial in-depth goal-setting, usually 60 minutes or more.
What is coaching and other information on bringing coaching skills in-house.
Our services generally fit into the categories of Management Consulting, Marketing Consulting and Human Relations / Professional & Management Development Training:
- 541612 – Human Resources Consulting Services
- 611430 – Professional and Management Development Training
Got Questions? CONTACT US AT:
Daniel Robin & Associates
Phone: +1.831-761-0700, Ext 1 or 9
P. O. Box 548, Santa Cruz, CA 95061 USA