Print and Audiobook Resources for Building a Better Workplace

RESOURCE CATEGORIES (click on name to jump to topic)

  1. Communication, Leadership, Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
  2. Organizational Learning, Group Facilitation, and Organizational Development
  3. Management Trends, Resources, & Case Studies
  4. NeuroScience, Cognitive Science and Learning Theory
  5. Complexity, Chaos and “Chaordic” Systems
  6. Network Economics
  7. Capital Formation and Performance Management Systems
  8. Mediation Resources: Civil, Commercial and Organizational
  9. Knowledge Capital and Knowledge Management

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1. Communication, Leadership, Negotiation & Conflict Resolution

 Andreas, Steve. Virginia Satir: The Patterns of Her Magic. Science & Behavior Books, Palo Alto. 1991.

 Bagley, Dan S. and Edward J. Reese. Beyond Selling: How To Maximize Your Personal Influence. Meta Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 565, Cupertino, CA 95015. Inspired our course on selling and the “art of persuasion”; a unique and powerful way of understanding people’s decision-making style.

 Byham, William, and Jeff Cox. Zapp! The Human Lightning of Empowerment (And How to Make It Work for You). Development Dimensions International, PO Box 13379, Pittsburgh, PA 15243. 1988.

 Cameron-Bandler, Leslie; David Gordon and Michael Lebeau. Know How – Guided Programs for Inventing Your Own Best FutureFuturePace, Inc., P.O. Box 1173, San Rafael, CA. 94915. 1985.

 Covey, Stephen R. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Simon & Schuster, 1989. Restoring the character ethic; habits 4-6 are about interpersonal leadership, communication and cooperation.

 Crum, Thomas F. The Magic of Conflict. Touchstone / Simon & Schuster, 1988. An application of the wisdom and philosophy of the martial art Aikido to stressful conflict situations.

 * Edelman, Joel and Mary Beth Crain. The Tao of Negotiation: How You Can Prevent, Resolve and Transcend Conflict in Work and Everyday Life. HarperBusiness, New York. 1993.

 Elgin, Suzette Haden. Success with the Gentle Art of Verbal Self-Defense. Prentice Hall, NJ. 1989. Identify and eliminate patterns of verbal abuse at work. See also: The Gentle Art of Verbal Self-Defense, More on the Gentle Art, the Last Word on the Gentle Art, and Mastering the Gentle Art (audiocassette).

 * Fisher, Roger and William Ury. Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving InGetting Together: Building Relationships As We Negotiate, and Getting Ready to Negotiate. Houghton Mifflin, Boston. 1981, 1988, 1995; Penguin Books, New York. 1983. Classics on win-win negotiation.

 Fisher, Roger, E. Kopelman & A. Schneider. Beyond Machiavelli: Tools for Coping with Conflict. Harvard University Press, Cambridge. 1994. Theoretical frameworks for analyzing international conflicts.

 Keirsey, David and Marilyn Bates. Please Understand Me, An Essay On Temperament Styles. Promethean Books, Inc., Del Mar, CA. 1978.

 Kahn, Michael. The Tao of Conversation. New Harbinger Publications, Inc., Oakland, CA. 1995.

 Laborde, Genie. Influencing With Integrity. Syntony, Inc., 1450 Byron St., Palo Alto, CA. 94301. 1984.

 * Leonard, Karin. Taming the Inner Critic, Preventing BurnoutTools for NavigationTools for Leaders, and Seven Principles for Life Balance, plus many others, available from the author, 831-724-5400; or write to P. O. Box 263, Santa Cruz, CA 95061, E-mail:

 Richardson, Jerry. The Magic of Rapport: How You Can Gain Personal Power in Any Situation. Meta Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 565, Cupertino, CA. 95015. 1987.

 * Robin, Daniel. Right-Wrong Thinking is Just Plain Wrong!, and The Gentle Art of Confrontation, plus others (published monthly since Sept. 1993), available from the author +1.831-761-0700 via Daniel Robin & Associates website (, E-mail, or write to P. O. Box 548, Santa Cruz, CA 95061.

 * Ryan, Kathleen D and Daniel K. Oestreich. Driving Fear Out of the Workplace: Creating the High-Trust, High-Performance Organization. (The Jossey-Bass Business & Management Series), Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco; second edition (April 1998)

 * Ryan, Kathleen D and Daniel K. Oestreich. The Courageous Messenger. Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco. 1996

 * Schutz, Will. The Human Element: Productivity, Self-Esteem and the Bottom Line. Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco. 1994. Unique tools that honor and include people.

 Senge, Peter. The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization, Jossey-Bass Publishers, and The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook: Strategies and Tools for Building a Learning Organization. Currency / Doubleday, New York. 1994. Core curriculum for people in business.

 * Senge, Peter et al (1999) The Dance of Change. Currency-Doubleday.  If you were wondering how to make change programs stick, you’ll find a wealth of knowledge and ideas in these pages.  Indispensable for anyone who is serious about leading and sustaining change efforts.

 Ury, William. Getting Past No: Negotiating Your Way From Confrontation to Cooperation1991. More strategies for dealing with people who are angry, unreasonable, deceitful, or stubborn, and do not want to negotiate.

 Weeks, Dudley. The Eight Essential Steps to Conflict Resolution. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York, 1992. A “conflict partnership” approach, based in psychotherapeutic traditions.

NOTE: * indicates highly recommended.


2. Organizational Learning, Group Facilitation & Organizational Development

 Argyris, Chris. (1993) Knowledge for Action: A Guide for Overcoming Barriers to Organizational Change. Jossey-Bass.1993.

 Argyris, Chris.(1994) On Organizational Learning. Blackwell Pub.

 Argyris, Chris, Overcoming Organizational Defenses: Facilitating Organizational Learning, Allyn & Bacon, Boston, 1990.

 Batten, Joe. Building a Total Quality Culture. A practical book on Total Quality covering fundamental principles, tactics, and strategies for culture change. Crisp Publication, Inc., Menlo Park, CA. 1992.

 Belasco, James A, Teaching the Elephant to Dance: The Manager’s Guide to Empowering Change, A Plume Book (Crown Publishers), New York 1991.

 Block, Peter, Flawless Consulting: A Guide to Getting Your Expertise Used, University Associates, San Diego, CA 1981.

 Block, Peter, Stewardship: Choosing Service over Self Interest, Berrett-Koehler, 1993. Block articulates the need to change the governance structure of an organization from one of compliance to one of stewardship, if any changes are to become permanent.

 Bohm, David. (1985) Unfolding Meaning. Loveland, CO: Foundation House.

 * Bridges, William, Managing Transitions, Making the Most of Change, Addison-Wesley, Menlo Park, CA 1991.

 Demick, J. and Miller, P., Development in the Workplace, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, New Jersey, 1993.

 * Gozdz, Kazimierz, ed., Community Building: Renewing Spirit and Learning in Business, Sterling & Stone (NewLeadersPress), San Francisco, 1995.

 * Kline, Peter and Bernard Saunders. Ten Steps to a Learning Organization. Great Ocean Publishers, Inc. Arlington, VA. 1993.

 Maccoby, Michael, Why Work: Motivating and Leading the New Generation, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1988.

 Morecroft, John D.W. and John Sterman eds.(1994) Modeling for Learning OrganizationsProductivity Press.

 Olson, Edwin E., Eoyang, Glenda H., Beckhard, Richard (2001) Facilitating Organizational Change: Lessons from Complexity Science, 160 pages, John Wiley & Sons.  Synopsis:  Provides a language and practical set of tools and models for applying understandings of complex adaptive systems (CAS) to organizational change.  Applies complexity theory so that leaders and facilitators can better use these tools for addressing challenges and complexity inside and outside their company’s systems.  Picks up where The Dance of Change (Senge et al) leaves off. Highly recommended.

 Pascale, Richard Tanner, Managing on the Edge: How the Smartest Companies Use Conflict to Stay Ahead, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1990.

 Pedlar, M., Burgoyne, J., & Boydell, T., The Learning Company, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Europe, 1991.

 Rasmussen, Jens et al. (1994). Cognitive Systems Engineering. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

 Ray, Michael and Myers, Rochelle, Creativity in Business, DoubleDay, 1986. Text is based on Ray’s successful course in Stanford’s MBA program. Emphasis on quieting the mind.

 * Renesch, John, ed., New Traditions in Business: Spirit and Leadership in the 21st Century, Barrett Koehler, San Francisco, 1992. Recipient of the World Business Academy’s Pathfinder Award.

 * Schwarz, Roger M., The Skilled Facilitator:  Practical Wisdom for Developing Effective Groups, Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1994.  

 * Senge, Peter (1990) The Fifth Discipline. Currency-Doubleday; * Senge, Peter et al (1995) The Fifth Discipline Field Book. Currency-Doubleday.  Classics and prerequisite for organizational development practitioners as well as internal “consultants” and leaders.

 * Senge, Peter et al (1999) The Dance of Change. Currency-Doubleday.  If you were wondering how to make change programs stick, you’ll find a wealth of knowledge and ideas in these pages.  Indispensable for anyone who is serious about leading and sustaining change.

 Weisbord, M. R & Associates, Discovering Common Ground, Berrett-Koehler, San Francisco, 1992.

 * Wheatley, Margaret, Leadership and the New Science, Barrett-Koehler, San Francisco, 1992. Wheatley draw on new science concepts of self-organization, chaos, systems thinking, and the nature of information to provide valuable insights into thinking about human organizations.

 Wick, Calhoun W., and Leon, Lu Stanton, The Learning Edge, Pfeiffer & Co., 1993.

 Zuboff, Shoshanna, In the Age of the Smart Machine: The Future of Work and Power, Basic Books, Inc., New York, 1988.

* Indicates highly recommended.


3. Management Trends, Business Resources & Case Studies

 Amidon, Debra M.(1997) Innovation Strategy for the Knowledge Economy: The Ken Awakening Butterworth-Heinemann ISBN: 0750698411 (see review at

 Booking, Anne. (1996) Intellectual Capital: Core Asset for the Third Millennium Enterprise. International Thomson Business Press ISBN: 1861524080

 Davenport, Thomas H. and Prusak, Laurence (1997) Working Knowledge: How Organizations Manage What They Know. Harvard Business School Pr. ISBN: 0875846556 (Review avail. at Amazon)

 Drucker, Peter F (1993) Post-Capitalist Society Harperbusiness. ISBN: 0887306616 (Review avail. at Amazon)

 Edvinsson, Leif, and Malone, Michael.(1997) Intellectual Capital: Realizing Your Company’s True Value by Finding its Hidden Brainpower. HarperCollins ISBN: 0887308414 (Review avail. at Amazon)

 Geus, Arie de (1997) The Living Company: Growth, Learning and Longevity in Business. Nicholas Brealey.ISBN: 087584782X (Review avail. at Amazon)

 Halal, William E., Smith, Raymond W. (eds) (1998) The Infinite Resource : Creating and Leading the Knowledge Enterprise Jossey-Bass Publishers; ISBN: 0787910155 (Review avail. at Amazon)

 Hudson, William J.(1993) Intellectual Capital: How to Build It, Enhance It, Use It. John Wiley & Sons ISBN: 0471558133

 Klein, David A. (Ed) (1998). The Strategic Management of Intellectual Capital Butterworth-Heinemann ISBN: 0750698500

 Liebowitz, Jay and Beckman, Tom (1998) Knowledge Organizations: What Every Manager Should Know. Saint Lucie Pr; ISBN: 1574441965

 Liebowitz, Jay and Wilcox, Lyle C. (1997) (Eds) Knowledge Management and Its Integrative Elements.CRC Pr; ISBN: 0849331161

 Neef, Dale; Siesfeld, Tony and Cefola, Jacquelyn The Economic Impact of Knowledge. Butterworth-Heinemann (Trd); ISBN: 0750670096

 Neef, Dale. (1998) A Little Knowledge Is a Dangerous Thing : Understanding Our Global Knowledge Economy Butterworth-Heinemann (Trd); ISBN: 0750670614

 Neef, Dale (Ed.) (1997) The Knowledge Economy Butterworth-Heinemann.ISBN: 0750699361(Review avail. at Amazon)

 Prusak, Laurence. (ed) (1997) Knowledge in Organizations. Butterworth-Heinemann (Trd) ISBN: 0750697180

 Quinn, James Brian, Baruch, Jordan J. and Zien, Karen Anne (1997) Innovation Explosion: Using Intellect and Software to Revolutionize Growth Strategies Free Press. ISBN: 0684833948 (Review avail. at Amazon)

 Quinn, James Brian. (1992) Intelligent Enterprise. Free Press. ISBN: 0029256151 (Review avail. at Amazon).  Focuses on the growing service industry and its impact on the economy . Quinn cites case studies to demonstrate that by leveraging intellect, companies and nations could have a competitive advantage over others

 Roos, Johan et al (1997) Intellectual Capital: Navigating in the New Business Landscape. MacMillan Press ISBN: 0814775128

 Sanchez, Ron and Heene, Aime (eds.) (1998) Strategic Learning and Knowledge Management John Wiley & Sons. ISBN: 0471968811

 Sifonis, J. G. and Goldberg, B. ( 1996) Corporation on a Tightrope Oxford University Press ISBN: 0195093259.  Highlights the concept of complex adaptive systems. Proposes seven principles to guide organizations to this new form, first among which is to set ethical standards and not accept deviations from them.

 Stewart, Thomas. (1997) Intellectual Capital: The New Wealth of Organizations. Doubleday/Currency ISBN: 0385482280 (Review avail. at Amazon)

 Sveiby, Karl Erik. (1997) The New Organizational Wealth: Managing and Measuring Knowledge-based Assets, Berrett-Koehler Publishers ISBN: 1576750140

 Takeuchi, Noaka, et al. The Knowledge-Creating Company. Oxford. 1995. ISBN: 0195092694 (Review avail. at Amazon).   Studies the knowledge creation processes in several Japanese companies. Proposes a theory on how to develop a knowledge rich environment by way of a “hypertext organization” structure.

 Toffler, Alvin. (1985) The Adaptive Corporation. McGraw Hill ISBN: 0070649669 (out of print). Release of his 1960 – 70s report on AT&T, how this applies to most corporations, and how the corporate policy book is no longer adequate to hold the knowledge of the corporation because conditions change so quickly that most policies and procedural “rules” have become obsolete. Theorizes that a “head craft” manager and worker will emerge.

 Wiig, Karl, (1995) Knowledge Management Methods: Practical Approaches to Knowledge Management, Schema Press  ISBN: 0963892525

 Wilson, David A., Managing Knowledge. Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996

 Winslow, Charles, and Bramer, William (1994) Futurework: Putting Knowledge to Work in the Knowledge Economy, The Free Press. Argues that while machines have become faster, more powerful and smarter, their real potential can’t be realized unless those smart machines succeed in making an organization’s workers smarter. Advocates developing a profile for individual contributors and offers support tailored to that individual’s work objective, background, ability level, preferences, and the immediate task at hand. Don’t expect to learn step-by-step tactics, even though numerous case examples are cited from companies such as Connecticut Natural Gas and Bell Atlantic. Rather, expect a challenge to the way you view and evaluate knowledge work. For those who have a basic understanding of performance systems, customer satisfaction, horizontal management structures and change management.


4. Cognitive Science and Learning Theory

 Gowen, D. Bob and Joseph D. Novak. (1984) Learning How to Learn. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Origin of “Concept Maps” and Vee Diagrams for mapping individual knowledge structures.

 Hofstadter, Douglas R. (1979). Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid. New York, NY: Vintage Press.

 Holland, John H., et al. Induction: Processes of Inference, Learning, and Discovery. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1986.  A brilliant work providing a framework for knowledge and knowledge management. Exploring what knowledge is and how it is governed by the brain and a society of brains.

 Holland, John H. Adaptation in Natural and Artifical Systems. MIT Press. 1975. Reprint 1992.ISBN: 0262581116.  Develops a formal foundation for explaining and modeling adaptive behavior in natural systems. This work is used for the foundation of the KMC model.

 Johnson-Laird, P.N. (1982). “Propositional Representations, Procedural Semantics, and Mental Models.” In J.Mehler, et al. eds., Perspectives on Mental Representation: Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Cognitive Processes and Capacities. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

 Johnson-Laird, P.N. (1983) Mental Models: Towards a Cognitive Science of Language, Inference and ConsciousnessCambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

 Papert, Seymour. (1980) MindStorms: Children, Computers, and Powerful Ideas. New York: Basic Books, Inc. Papert introduces the concept of the “microworld.”

 Simon, Herbert A.(1979) Models of Thought. New Haven, CY: Yale University Press.

 Simon, H.A. (1977) “Models of discovery: and other topics in the methods of science“. Boston, MA: D. Reidel Publishing Company.

 Thagrad, Paul, R. (1996) Mind: Introduction to Cognitive Science. MIT Press ISBN: 0262201062

 Thagard, Paul, R. (1993) Conceptual Revolutions. Princeton Univ Pr. ISBN: 0691024901 Review

 Thagard Paul, R. (1993) Computational Philosophy of Science. MIT Press ISBN: 0262700484


5. Complexity, Chaos and “Chaordic” Systems


Perumal, Andrei and Wilson, Stephen A, Growth in the Age of Complexity: Steering Your Company to Innovation, Productivity, and Profits in the New Era of Competition, Nov 2017; ISBN 1516243869


Axelrod, Robert M. The Complexity of Cooperation : Agent-Based Models of Competition and Collaboration (Princeton Studies in Complexity) 1997 ISBN: 0691015678

 Axelrod, Robert. Evolution of Cooperation. New York: Basic Books. 1984. ISBN: 0465021212

 Davies, Paul C.W., ed. The New Physics. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1989. ISBN: 0671528068

 Casti, John. Would-Be Worlds: How Simulation is Changing the Frontiers of Science. John Wiley. 1997.ISBN:0471123080

 Cowen, George, et al eds. Complexity: Metaphors, Models, and Reality. Vol. XIX. Addison-Wesley. 1994. ISBN:0201626063

 Jen, Erica (ed) 1989 Lectures in Complex Systems : The Proceedings of the 1989 Complex Systems Summer School Santa Fe, New Mexico June, 1989 Volume 2; Addison-Wesley: July 1990 ISBN: 0201509369

 Holland, John.(1995) Hidden Order. Addison-Wesley.ISBN: 0201442302

 Kauffman, Stuart. (1995) At Home in the Universe: The Search for the Laws of Self-Organization and Complexity. Oxford. ISBN: 0195111303

 Kauffman, Stuart A.(1993) The Origins of Order : Self-Organization and Selection in Evolution. Oxford. ISBN:0195079515

 Kelly, Kevin. (1995) Out of Control: The New Biology of Machines, Social Systems, and the Economic World.Addison-Wesley. ISBN: 0201483408

Olson, Edwin E., Eoyang, Glenda H., Beckhard, Richard (2001) Facilitating Organizational Change: Lessons from Complexity Science, 160 pages, John Wiley & Sons ; ISBN: 078795330X.  Synopsis:  Provides a language and practical set of tools and models for applying understandings of complex adaptive systems (CAS) to organizational change.  Applies complexity theory so that leaders and facilitators can better use these tools for addressing challenges and complexity inside and outside their company’s systems.  Highly recommended.

 Waldrop, Mitchell. M. (1992) Complexity: The Emerging Science at the Edge of Order and Chaos. Simon & Schuster. ISBN: 0671872346. This book tells the whole story of complex adaptive system’s theory and Santa Fe Institute


6. Network Economics

 Shapiro, Carl and Hal R. Varian, Information Rules: A Strategic Guide to the Network Economy. Harvard Business School Press.

7. Capital Formation & Performance Management Systems

 The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action, by Robert S. Kaplan, David P. Norton. Hardcover, 332 pages. This ambitious work is not an easy read, but has rich ideas and examples of what the “balanced scorecard” approach could do for your organization.

  Harvard Business Review on Measuring Corporate Performance (Harvard Business Review Series), 224 pages, paperback, 1998.  Harvard Business Review article collection –including the three groundbreaking articles on the balanced scorecard by Kaplan and Norton–offer managers practical guidance for measuring their intangible assets (customer relationships, internal business processes, and employee learning) and aligning corporate strategy accordingly.

 Emotional Capital: Capturing Hearts and Minds to Create Lasting Business Success, by Kevin Thomson. Not yet a popular book (published 2/98), it provides a different perspective on measuring organizational performance. Comparing intellectual capital to “emotional capital” (the feelings and beliefs that underpin and motivate people to take positive action), this book offers many useful ideas for bringing out the best in people and sets the stage for achieving extraordinary business results.

 Angel Investing:  Matching Startup Funds with Startup Companies — A Guide for Entrepreneurs, Individual Investors and Venture Capitalists, by Robert J. Robinson and Mark Van Osnabrugge; Jossey-Bass, 2000, 320 pages.


8.  Mediation Resources: Civil, Commercial & Organizational

 The Promise of Mediation: Responding to Conflict Through Empowerment and Recognition, Roberta A Bush and Joe Folger. 296 pp, 1994. This book focuses on the transformative power of mediation, suggesting that it can go beyond mere problem solving to provide personal growth opportunities.

 Managing Public Disputes, Susan Carpenter and W.J.D. Kennedy, 1988. Step-by-step guidelines for managers in business and government for designing successful conflict management strategies. 

 When Talk Works by Deborah Kolb. 493 pp, 1994. Go behind the scenes with accomplished mediators such as Jimmy Carter, William Hobgood, and Frances Butler and see how these pros resolve conflict in families, businesses, communities and between nations. Hardcover.

 The Mediation Process: Practical Strategies for Resolving Conflict by Christopher Moore. 320 pp, 1986. This book provides an in-depth account of how the mediation process works in resolving conflicts including family, divorce, labor/management, home/school, and landlord/tenant disputes. Especially valuable for those working with multi-party or organizational disputes. Hardcover.

 The Skilled Facilitator by Roger Schwarz, 314 pp, 1994. Learn to guide groups toward realizing their creative and problem-solving potential. This book offers expert examples of skilled group facilitation and is highly recommended as a guide to generating needed change and producing innovative solutions to complex problems in organizations. Hardcover.

 Getting Disputes Resolved by William Ury, Jeanne Brett and Stephen Goldberg. 1988. Guidelines for designing systems to assist organizations and other systems to handle conflicts effectively on an ongoing basis. An in-depth case study of a labor/management conflict serves to illustrate these principles. 


9. Knowledge Capital and Knowledge Management

(Organized alphabetically by title)

 Compensation Management : In a Knowledge-Based World. Richard I. Henderson, Richard J. Henderson / Hardcover / Published 1996.  Read more

 Designing Team-Based Organizations : New Forms for Knowledge Work (Jossey-Bass Management Series). Susan Albers Mohrman, et al / Hardcover / Published 1995.  Read more.

 * The Knowledge-Enabled Organization : Moving from ‘Training’ to ‘Learning’ to Meet Business Goals. Daniel R. Tobin / Hardcover / Published 1997.  Read more.